Self-Luminous Torch
The self-luminous Torch is a compact, lightweight light
source with reliable and secure illumination that does not
affect night vision.
Betalight torches were part of the personal belongings
of all Apollo astronauts. NASA judged the quality of these
betalight torches to be so high that no spares were supplied.

- Maintenance-free, no batteries or bulbs required
- Light weisht (Fight light)
- Optimised performance for reading
- Will continue work normally even when used
or immersed in water - Smooth non-slip casing and ergonomic design
- Recessed light source and hinged front cover
increase security by enabling graduated light exposure - Service life of 10 years
- NATO stock number 6260-99-965-3582
- Operation in temperatures between -60 °C and +70 °C.
The Self-Illuminated fight light Torch utilizes green light to a
brightness of 1,000 µL providing practical illumination of an
area of 10 cm². Brightness is not affected by temperature,
humidity, altitude or operational plane.FIXING
The Torch incorporates a ring and neck cord for easy
carrying, handling and temporary fixing to support
The inner housing is constructed of tough polycarbonate,
the outer body and hinged front cover of black neoprene
rubber. A nylon cord is attached to the fixing ring.
Overall length : 77 mm
Diameter : 35 mm
- Dark area illumination
- Diving illumination
- For in-outdoor and general use
- Military law enforcement around the world
- Night Navigation Aid: to enable map or compass
readings in tactical situations - AFV fire control equipment illumination