
LED lighting systems for military and aerospace applications. Aerospace applications include military aircraft, commercial aircraft and private jets, the land range is suitable for military vehicles and military shelters and in the naval arena. Besides, we supply lighting for both ships and submarines. All the LED lighting systems are high specification, rugged and designed specifically for challenging environments.
For extensive information about tactical lighting systems please see
DC Combi Light
The DC Combi is ideal for existing and new built vehicles. It’s design is unique, white light output and a integrated blackout mode in the desired colour.
360 ° IR and Trimode Flashing Beacons
These latest anti-collision light developments are designed to replace conventional strobe based lighting
Covert Driving light
The lights improve the capabilities of each vehicle while using Night Vision
iR Covert Convoy / Brake Light
Riding safely at night while using Night Vision Goggles is now possible with Covert Convoy Lights.
LED Gooseneck light
NVG Compatible and Friendly LED Map Lights. Exceptionally bright and highly focused task light
Aiming post lamp
Self-Luminous Aiming Post Lamps enable establishment and maintenance of covert infantry and artillery weapons alignment in darkness.
Tritium Sight Illumination
Trilux Tritium Sight Illumination offer a handgun sighting system for improved rapid instinctive aiming which requires no transition from day to night use.